Проф. Ярослав Карташов: "Солитоны в апериодических топологических изоляторах"

Abstract: Topological insulators are often considered as a new type of materials in which bulk and surface excitations exhibit qualitatively different dynamics. While excitations diffract in the depth of a topological insulator, they can propagate along its edges or corners supporting localized states with energies falling into the band gap of the structure. The most distinctive and significant property of the topological edge and corner states is their topological protection and immunity to defects, that manifests itself in the absence of backscattering or scattering into the bulk during passage of such defects. This property allows to use topological materials for construction of a new class of optical devices for processing and transmitting information, topological switches and splitters that are insensitive to defects. Over the past five years, the concept of topological insulators has expanded significantly and received considerable attention in optics, leading to the demonstration of various types of photonic topological insulators, mostly operating in the linear regime. Currently, nonlinear photonic topological insulators are under active investigation. In this presentation I will describe recent experimental and theoretical results of our group on nonlinear edge and corner states in photonic topological insulators with particular emphasis on structures with aperiodic bulk, such as insulators with disclinations and fractal topological structures.

Bio: Yaroslav V. Kartashov is a leading researcher in the Institute of Spectroscopy of Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of Russian Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2002 and Doctor of Sciences degree in 2012. His research interests include solitons and nonlinear waves in nonlinear optical media and Bose-Einstein condensates, physics of topological insulators.

Новый Кампус, аудитория E-B4-3006
Большой бульвар д. 30, стр. 1
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