Федерико Мартин Ибаниес
Head of Power Electronics and Smart Grid laboratories
Master Theses
Main activities

Grid-forming and grid-following inverters

Inverters connected to the grid using control loops for controlling currents and voltages. Using dq-frame and alpha-beta control loops, virtual impedance and virtual inertia.

Resonant converters

DC/DC and DC/AC converters which use resonance effect to minimize switching losses for achieving high efficiency.

Multi-port DC/DC converters

Advanced DC/DC converters with more than two ports. These converters can be connected to different sources and loads at different voltages. Advanced control techniques must be used to allow these converters manage the power flow according to the requierements of the loads and sources.

Hybrid energy storage systems

Combining different sources can maximize the capabilities of the energy storage system. DC/DC converters are used to combine the sources in order to control the operation mode of each of those sources.

Vehicle applications

The converters and hybrid energy storage systems under research have their main application in electric vehicles such as electric buses and motorcycles.

Cyber attack problems in microgrids

Study of grids under attacks. Techniques of simulation of attacks and detection algorithms.

Demand response solutions
Voltage and frequency aid based on thermostatically controllable loads.

Balancing circuits
For the development of energy storage systems based on stacked cells.
