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Federico received his engineering degree from the Technical National University (UTN-FRBA) at Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2008. He has 20 years of experience in electronic designs, mostly in lab activities. He worked as a prototype designer for electronic circuits related to gas sensors, impedance meters and electrolyzers in the National Commission of Atomic Energy (CNEA-CAC), Buenos Aires between 2007 and 2008. In 2008, he moved to San Sebastián, Spain. There, he started his PhD studies in power electronics at CEIT, a research center of the University of Navarra. He has participated in several European and national and regional projects related to power electronics. In those projects, he designed, developed and tested several DC/DC and DC/AC converters for energy storage and electric vehicle applications in the range between 1 and 100 kW. In 2012, he completed his PhD thesis which proposes a step-up mode control method for bidirectional resonant series converters. By using the proposed method, this series resonant converters can be used in energy storage applications. In Skoltech, he is leading the research in the smart grids and power electronics laboratories. His main research areas are power electronics converters and microgrid control strategies. He teaches power electronics and smart grids courses
Grid-forming and grid following inverters
Multi-port DC/DC convereters
Resonant converters
Balancing circuits
Hybrid energy storage systems
Vehicle applications
Cyber attack problems in microgrids
Demand response solutions