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The Skoltech research ecosystem consists of 15 centers, dozens of labs and research groups, and first-rate laboratory facilities of common use. Committed to excellence, Skoltech pursues research in advanced areas of crucial importance to Russia and the world5
Skoltech is active in six interdisciplinary areas of research, education, and innovation. Its priorities are fostering competencies, bringing technologies to the market, and training new technological leaders for science, industry, and business.
The Skoltech centers for research, education, and innovation are balanced between all three components and across the six priority areas: life sciences, health, and agro; telecommunications, photonics, and quantum technologies; artificial intelligence; advanced materials and engineering; energy efficiency and the energy transition; and advanced studies.
Center for Petroleum Science and Engineering
Professor of the Practice Mikhail Spasennykh
Center for Materials Technologies
Associate Professor Ivan Sergeichev
Center for Energy Science and Technology
Full Professor Artem Abakumov
Center for Photonic Science and Engineering
Full Professor Pavlos Lagoudakis
Igor Krichever Center for Advanced Studies
Full Professor Andrey Marshakov
The Artificial Intelligence Center
Full Professor Evgeny Burnaev
Center for Digital Engineering (CDE)
Associate Professor Tatiana Podladchikova
Center for Engineering Physics
Full Professor Vladimir Drachev
Vladimir Zelman Center for Neurobiology and Brain Rehabilitation
Full Professor Philipp Khaitovich
Center for Molecular and Cellular Biology
Full Professor Mikhail Gelfand
The project centers of Skoltech are task forces for developing technologies that will have a significant impact on the national economy.
Project Center for Agro Technologies
Full Professor Elena Potokina
Project Center for Energy Transition and ESG
Full Professor Andrei Osiptsov
Project Center for Next Generation Wireless and IoT
Full Professor Alexey Frolov
Project Center for Applied Photonics and Quantum Technologies
Professor of the Practice Pavel Dorozhkin
Project Center of Omics Technologies and Advanced Mass Spectrometry
Full Professor Evgeny Nikolaev
The research laboratory develops new methods of material design and applies them to a wide range of scientific problems. The laboratory unites talented young scientists who have passed the competitive selection alongside researchers and students from all over the world.
The center manages Skoltech’s laboratories of common use with more than 1,500 pieces of state-of-the-art equipment, including those not available anywhere else in Russia.