The сenter's activities are focused on the creation and transfer of advanced technologies and product prototypes in the field of integrated photonics, optoelectronics, space, and wireless communications to the Russian manufacturing sector.
Work is underway on the design of photonic integrated circuits and the creation of end solutions based on them, the development of optical frequency standards for space and ground navigation systems, fiber-optic on-board sensor and communication systems for the aerospace industry, and next-generation radio communication technologies (6G).

The center participates in the preparation and coordination of the implementation of a number of major national technology development programs – as a scientific and technical advisory and expert body.

The сenter performs applied R&D works commissioned by state corporations, large and medium-sized companies in the high-tech sector, as well as within the framework of national programs for the development of priority high-tech areas.

The сenter conducts the innovation activities. Young employees gain skills in technological entrepreneurship in the frames of specific applied projects. Small innovative enterprises (“spin-offs”) are created and successfully develops, designed to bring university developments to high levels of technological readiness and commercialize final solutions.

The center acts as a coordinator for the development of the Photonics direction within the framework of the joint government program for technological development of the BRICS countries, research and development programs are being implemented with a number of universities in China, and student exchange is underway.

research areas
education programs
research areas
March 2025

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

The Territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center

Russia, Moscow, 121205, Bolshoy Boulevard, 30, bld.1