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This report provides an in-depth analysis of the socio-economic, science and technology spheres of the countries invited to BRICS. It examines their foreign economic activities, analyzes science and technology management systems, and import substitution policies. Some parallels and comparisons with Russia are drawn. This report is intended for country experts, management of companies, economists and students.
This book presents the analysis of the socio-economic, scientific and technological spheres of the countries invited to the BRICS. The topics covered in the book include foreign economic activity, science and technology management systems, as well as import substitution policy. There are some parallels and comparisons with Russia. The development of scientific and technological directions is analyzed in more detail on the example of pharmaceuticals, space industry and microelectronics in Egypt and Ethiopia.
The report examines three countries with which Russia has the potential and opportunities to expand S&T cooperation: Iran, India, and Bangladesh. Each of these countries is analyzed in three dimensions. The first provides an overview of the socio-economic situation of each country in the respective region, and the main indicators of its innovation development. The second describes the S&T regulatory systems and gives an overview of each country's science resources and outputs. The third one is devoted to specific areas of technological development. The conclusion presents a SWOT-analysis of S&T sectors of each country and suggests potential areas for Russia to cooperate with these countries.
The analytical report is analyzing the development of the electric vehicles market in the world and in Russia. It covers such aspects as the demand factors and limitations, and identifies measures that the Russian government could implement to stimulate the demand for electric vehicles. In Russia, the electric car market is at the initial stage of development, lagging behind the leaders by 5-8 years, but interest in this type of transportation is growing both among the population and at the state level. A sample survey conducted as part of the research revealed several groups of potential buyers among the Moscow population with different levels of demand for electric vehicles. The survey has shown that one of the main factors limiting demand is the insufficient number of publicly available slow charging stations near places of residence. The Report suggests a number of measures to stimulate demand, including subsidies for the purchase of electric cars and transport tax exemption. The book is intended for specialists in the field of electric power, transportation, scientists, marketing specialists, and students.
The book analyzes dairy and beef cattle breeding economic and technological aspects in Russia since the late Soviet period and prospects for development in a number of critically important areas. The book considers four main technological groups - biotechnology, veterinary medicine, feed production and “smart farm” technologies. Based on cross-country comparisons and patent analysis, it is shown that Russia is critically dependent on biotechnologies and “smart farm” technologies, with insufficient development of promising areas of veterinary medicine and feed production. Barriers and promising instruments for development of selected technological areas are identified. The book is intended for agricultural specialists, scientists, marketing specialists and students.
The book analyzes one of the most significant social areas – the restoration and enhancement of nervous activity, especially as a consequence of neurological and psychological diseases. The study of this complex scientific and technological field touches economic and technological aspects. In the first part of the book, economic and ethical aspects of neurosciences and technologies development are considered, while the approaches to the analysis of their development are separated. The economic aspects are analyzed in terms of scientific disciplines growth and modifications that, taken together, contribute to the field “neuroscience”. Neurotechnologies are studied both in the context of patent statistics and market applications. The report covers the pace of development of neurosiences and neurotechnologies in Russia, including analysis of the National Technological Initiative. The second part of the book is devoted to an in-depth analysis of selected neuroscience and biomedical technologies. Brain-computer interfaces and their practical applications are explored, as well as promising directions for neurodegenerative diseases diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. The prospects and barriers for the developments of these areas are demonstrated. In spite of all existing limitations, neurotechnologies are develoing dynamically, and new breakthrough results are expected in a few years. This book could be of interest to medical professionals, scientists, companies, neuroscience enterprises, science and technology decision makers, economists, marketing specialists, and students.
The exploration of such a complex technological field as Internet of Things, was carried out in two aspects - economic and technological. The book provides an analysis of global and Russian markets, the key directions of their development for the next decade, analyzes the economic parameters, which are important for the Internet of Things wider use, including standardization issues. Technological aspects are presented with selected cases demonstrating possible applications of the Internet of Things in agriculture, as well as solutions that are crucial for security issues and predictive analytics in industry. The book is intended for specialists in Internet of Things and related fields, decision makers in scientific and technological development, economists, marketing specialists and students.
The book analyzes economic and technological aspects of oil and gas resources development and production. It justifies prospects for development in critically important for industry areas, which, if successful, will determine the new industrial outlook for the period up to 2030. The main technological areas are explored: new methods of enhanced oil recovery, production stimulation, machine learning and big data analysis technologies related to the industry. The book is intended for specialists in the field of oil and gas development and production, scientists, marketing specialists and students.
The most important recent trend is photonic (optical) technologies consistent movement from the exterior of the information processing devices, deeper “inward” computer systems, developing quantum technologies, and significantly changing the idea of information transmission systems protection possibilities. The book analyzes economic indicators for development of photonics in Russia and the world, foreign and Russian experience in government support of this area. The description of promising development directions of photonics in Russia has been structured into four main groups: photonics materials and structures, information, space and biomedical applications. The book is intended for scientists and specialists in the field of photonics, decision makers, marketing specialists and students.
At the end of the global economic crisis in 2011-2013, in the countries-leaders in technology emerged a new technological priority - advanced manufacturing technologies. The subject of new manufacturing technologies has become highly relevant in Russia as well due to the needs of the Russian economy, aggravated by foreign trade sanctions. The analytical report examines key scientific, technological and economic aspects of new manufacturing technologies, including analysis of the main foreign government programs and their implementation tools. The book is intended for specialists in the field of new manufacturing technologies, decision makers, marketing specialists and students.