Center for Energy Science and Technology

The mission of Skoltech Energy is to deliver ground-breaking advances in energy-related spheres, such as storage and conversion, production, transmission, distribution and consumption, management and market areas.

In order to become the leading research center in Russia in materials for energy applications, systems and devices for energy grids and renewable energy generation and integration, AI-based approaches in energy management, energy markets and regulations, we perform research in electroactive materials that help increase the battery energy and power density as well as in sensing and information & communication technologies for power grids.

At the same time we grow a new generation of specialists for the energy sector and foster entrepreneurial activity bringing novel products and services to the energy market.


March 2025

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

The Territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center

Russia, Moscow, 121205, Bolshoy Boulevard, 30, bld.1