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In the “AI in science. The Physical World” nomination, the winner is Professor Alexander Kvashnin from the Energy Transition Center, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the head of the scientific group of industrial-oriented materials search at Skoltech. The prize was awarded for using artificial intelligence, including neural networks and regression models, to predict and study the properties of new functional and structural materials, such as high-temperature superconductors, super hard materials and non-crystalline structures.
The winner in the “Digital Universe” nomination is Professor Evgeny Burnaev, a scientist in the field of artificial intelligence, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, and the director of the Skoltech AI Center. The prize was awarded for fundamental results in the field of theoretical foundations and artificial intelligence technologies for solving large-scale problems of engineering, medicine, and sustainable development based on deep learning methods and algorithms, generative modeling, and stochastic analysis of multidimensional unstructured data with a complex internal geometric structure.
The winner in the “AI in science. The Digital Universe” is Assistant Professor Alexander Korotin, a researcher in the field of artificial intelligence, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, and the head of the research group on generative artificial intelligence at the Skoltech AI Center. The prize was awarded for developing algorithms for generative artificial intelligence based on optimal transport for modeling multidimensional data, digital processing, and image synthesis.
Evgeny Antipov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, the head of the Department of Electrochemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry at Lomonosov Moscow State University, and Professor at the Energy Center of Skoltech, was recognized as the best in the “Physical World” nomination. The prize was awarded for the creation of high-temperature superconductors and new materials for metal-ion batteries, which open up prospects for improving energy security and transition to climate neutrality.
The winners in the “Physical World” and “Digital Universe” nominations will receive personal prizes of 20 million rubles. This year’s awards in the “AI in Science” category were introduced for the first time. Its laureates — young scientists under the age of 36 — will receive prizes of 4.5 million rubles each and one million rubles for cloud computing.