Mission of Skoltech Physics is a close link between the development of fundamentals in physics and applied technologies aimed at clearly defined industrial demands. We believe that by transforming deep understanding of physical foundations into intelligent design for industry applications one can stay competitive on the worldwide market of high-tech products. Our strategic goal is to take a competitive position among the world research centers by transferring fundamental findings in physics into unique industrial technologies.


February 2025


Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

The Territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center

Russia, Moscow, 121205, Bolshoy Boulevard, 30, bld.1

Director: territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center, st. Nobel, d.3, Room 121

Advanced Electronic Devices Laboratory: st. Nobel, d.3, Room 119 and 54 (ground floor);

Laboratory of Superconducting Materials and Quantum Technologies: Bolshoy Boulevard, 30, bld.1, Room A4-3015 - 3016;

Theoretical group: Bolshoy Boulevard, 30, bld.1, Room A4-3015 - 3018, A4-3022, A4-3030-3031;

Administrative group: Bolshoy Boulevard, 30, bld.1, Room B4-2004