Aleksandr Rubashevskii
PhD Thesis Defense
Date & Time:

December 19, 2024, 13:00
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, 30, Bolshoi Boulevard, bld. 1, Room E-R3-2007

Candidate:Aleksandr Rubashevskii
PhD Program:Computational and Data Science and Engineering
Thesis Title:Efficient active learning and fact-checking via predictive uncertainty quantification for natural language processing

Assistant Professor Maxim Panov, Skoltech

PhD Defense Jury Reports:

Professor Ivan Oseledets, Skoltech (Chairman): report
Assistant Professor Alexey Zaytsev, Skoltech: report
Assistant Professor Alexander Korotin, Skoltech: report
Dr. Mikhail Burtsev, Landau AI Fellow, London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, UK: report
Dr. Ekaterina Artemova, Independent Researcher, NLP Researcher: report
Dr. Mikhail Beliaev, CEO, AUMI AI, UK: report

Thesis Changes Log

PhD Defense Outcome:
The thesis is accepted “as is.” The candidate is awarded the Skoltech PhD degree.