Anton Razzhigaev
PhD Thesis Defense
Date & Time:

October 4, 2024, 14:30
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, 30, Bolshoi Boulevard, bld. 1, Room E-R3-2007

Candidate:Anton Razzhigaev
PhD Program:Computational and Data Science and Engineering
Thesis Title:Crossroads of text, vision, and graph models: advancing multimodal systems

Associate Professor Alexander Panchenko, Skoltech

Dr. Andrey Kuznetsov
PhD Defense Jury Reports:

Professor Evgeny Burnaev, Skoltech (Chairman): report
Assistant Professor Maxim Panov, Skoltech: report
Assistant Professor Sergey Zagoruyko, Skoltech: report
Professor Vladislav Myasnikov, Samara National Research University, Russia: report
Assistant Professor Abhik Jana, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, India: report
Dr. Nikolay Arefyev, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oslo, Norway: report
Professor Wei-Nan Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China: report
Dr. Aleksandr Petiushko, Head of AI Research at Gatik, USA: report

Thesis Changes Log

PhD Defense Outcome:
The thesis is accepted “as is.” The candidate is awarded the Skoltech PhD degree.
Defense Video