Pavel Somov
PhD Thesis Defense
Date & Time:

December 23, 2024, 14:00
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, 30, Bolshoi Boulevard, bld. 1, Room E-R3-2007

Candidate:Pavel Somov
PhD Program:Materials Science and Engineering
Thesis Title:A FIB-SEM exploration of the microstructure-micromechanics relationship in advanced alloys

Professor Alexander Korsunsky, Skoltech

Assistant Professor Alexey Salimon, Skoltech
PhD Defense Jury Reports:

Associate Professor Alexey Yashchenok, Skoltech (Chairman): report
Associate Professor Dmitriy Dzhurinskiy, Skoltech: report
Assistant Professor Stanislav Evlashin, Skoltech: report
Assistant Professor Xu Song, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong: report
Professor Aleksandar Sedmak, University of Belgrade, Serbia: report

Thesis Changes Log

Revised thesis:
A FIB-SEM exploration of the microstructure-micromechanics relationship in advanced alloys

Thesis Changes Log (after minor revisions)
Thesis Defense Outcome:

Pass with Minor Revisions. The candidate’s thesis is accepted subject to minor revisions.

The candidate made revisions to the thesis.

The candidate is awarded the Skoltech PhD degree.