BioImaging and Spectroscopy Core Facility

Skoltech BioImaging and Spectroscopy Core Facility was established to provide cutting-edge technologies for in vitro/in vivo imaging and spectral analysis with photonic tools for Skoltech researchers, members of the Skolkovo ecosystem as well as external customers.

The main task of the center is to use modern methods of visualization and spectroscopy to solve interdisciplinary problems arising at the interface of materials science, photonics, electronics and biomedicine.


Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

The Territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center

Russia, Moscow, 121205, Bolshoy Boulevard, 30, bld.1

The Facility is equipped with the setups that allow performing imaging and spectral analysis at three levels
nano- (intracellular) level
Laser Analyzer Zetasizer Nano ZS (size and Z potential of nanoparticles) and high-resolution FLIM PicoQuant MicroTime 200 STED (STED – Stimulated Emission Depletion, FLIM – fluorescence life-time imaging microscopy)
micro- (intercellular and tissue) level
fluorescent flow cytometry, confocal laser scanning microscopy, light-sheet microscopy, Raman microscopy, adsorption and fluorescent spectroscopy, ellipsometry
macro- (body) level
fluorescent tomography combined with CT (IVIS Spectrum CT in vivo imaging system) and Optoacoustic microscopy RSOM Explorer P50 (for preclinical studies)