Cold Gas Dynamic Spray
Cold Gas Dynamic Spray
Cold Gas Dynamic Spray (CGDS) is a unique coating process in which spray particles in a solid-state are deposited on a substrate, via high-velocity impact, at temperatures lower than the melting point of the powder feedstock materials. A unique feature of cold spraying is its ability to generate a wide range of deposition layer thicknesses, ranging from tens of microns and up to millimeters. In this regard, this process extends beyond the concept of 'coating' a substrate, providing a means for developing three-dimensional structures in a manner of additive manufacturing. The great practical interest of CGDS application is focused on determining the dependence of gas dynamic spray operating conditions on the coating layer microstructure and specific features of its structure formation.
Cold Gas Dynamic Spray
The laboratory is equipped with two CGDS systems
In-hose build Medium Pressure Cold Spray
DYMET 421 Low Pressure Cold Spray.