TEM Titan Themis Z
Transmission electron microscope Titan Themis Z
Transmission electron microscope Titan Themis Z allows us to study the microstructure, crystal structure and etc. of wide range samples. Titan Themis Z is equipped with a corrector of spherical aberrations, which significantly improves the resolution of the microscope. The microscope is equipped with various detectors for investigation of local chemical composition using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (Super-X EDX detector) and characteristic electron energy loss spectroscopy (Quantum 965). Large number of techniques used in electron microscopy, such as HRTEM, HRSTEM, EDX, EELS, Mono-STEM-EELS, STEM-EELS, HAADF, ABF, etc., help us to obtain complete information about microstructure, crystal structure, phase and chemical composition of materials.
Production year, manufacturer, country of manufacture:

2017, TFS (ThermoFisherScientific), Netherlands

Technical characteristics
TEM resolution 120 pm
STEM Cs corrected resolution 60 pm
Monochromator resolution 0.15 eV