First International Workshop “Technological Sustainability of BRICS: University-Industry Partnerships”
September 19, 2024 / Thursday

September 19-20, 2024

The BRICS membership expansion comes at a time when technological sustainability is becoming an essential component of the science, technology and innovation (STI) policy. The dialogue within BRICS format will facilitate the creation of an international expert pool on issues of technological sustainability and international technology cooperation.

The workshop is organized within the framework of Russia’s BRICS Chairmanship as part of the working group “Development of Technological Foresight and STI policy of BRICS Countries” and is focused on engaging BRICS member states and partner countries in multilateral technological cooperation projects.

University-Industry Partnerships are crucial for building technological sustainability in BRICS member states and partner countries. Therefore, we encourage speakers to focus on this topic and engagement of the new member states in the BRICS ecosystem.

The main topics of the Workshop are:
The organizers of the Workshop are two renowned Russian universities that possess proven competences in science, technology and innovation

Participation in the workshop is by invitation
If you are interested, please contact the Organizing Committee via
Skoltech Campus
Moscow, Skolkovo Innovation Center
Bolshoi boulevard 30 bld. 1
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