Modern Technologies in Breeding
Due to the intensification of production and changing climatic conditions, the technological requirements of the agroindustrial complex for plant varieties and animal breeds are changing. In order to create new varieties in a timely manner, it is impossible to manage only with classical breeding methods, since the average time for breeding a new variety is calculated from 8 to 10 years at least. With the use of modern technologies such as next generation sequencing, marker-associated selection, genomic selection, high-throughput phenotyping in combination with methods of accelerated reproduction of plants (speed breeding), the time to obtain a new germplasm is reduced to 4-5 years.
Industrial competencies

Development and application of molecular markers. Development of panels of genetic markers for marker and genomic selection. Development of a scheme for using markers for a specific selection task, with optimization of the total time required for successful selection. Use of existing marker systems and their optimization.

Development and application of high-throughput phenotyping technologies. Development of digital methods for image analysis in various spectra, including the visible range, UV, infrared range, as well as fluorescence, X-ray images.

Development and application of protocols for accelerated plant propagation (speed breeding). Crossing and reproduction of valuable breeding material in climatic chambers.

Development and consultation on modern laboratory complexes. Integrated development of laboratory facilities and a set of equipment for selection and genetic tasks.