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At the invitation of Alexander Mekhanik, Andrey Osiptsov, Director of the Project Center for Energy Transition, recorded an interview for the publication Stimul.Online.
"I have always treated Alexander Grigoryevich with great respect and did not miss his columns in the Expert magazine, and I was interested in answering his questions on topics directly related to the current work of our center," comments Andrey Alexandrovich.
During the interview, the conversation was about the climate crisis and the fourth energy transition as a way to solve a global problem, about the arguments of climate skeptics and objections of climatologists based on paleoclimatic data, about where generally recognized scientific prerequisites end and politicized conclusions begin, as well as about what a sovereign energy transition should be for Russia. The second part of the conversation was devoted to ecology in the Arctic: how the Arctic Doctrine of the US Department of Defense and the public discourse on the prohibition of production on the Arctic shelf are connected for Russia, which incident is more dangerous: a single accident or mass degradation of environmental standards. At the end of the conversation, Andrey Osiptsov tried to formulate our strategic bets within the framework of two areas: gas and atom, as well as answer the question of what measures on the part of the state could stimulate other areas of development of energy transfer technologies in the Russian Federation.