Ivan Apanasevich has become the winner of the Olympics "I am a professional" for the second time

Student of the Master's program "Engineering Systems" Ivan Apanasevich becomes the gold medalist in the Olympics "I am a professional" in the direction of "Robotics" for the second year in a row.

"The Olympics consisted of two rounds. In the qualifying round, you had to program a robotic cell for sorting garbage. There were several types of garbage that rolled down an improvised conveyor belt at random. The robot not only had to understand what it was using computer vision, but also sort it. The final continued for three days at ITMO University in St. Petersburg. During which I implemented the task from the preliminary round on a real robot, so to speak, in hardware, says Ivan Apanasevich.

"In general, the Olympic task was a mixture of machine learning, robotics, algorithms, and I found it interesting to perform it."

Ivan Apanasevich's scientific supervisor is the head of the research group AIDA (Skoltech Center for Digital Engineering), Assistant Professor Pavel Osinenko.

"I am a professional" is a nationwide olympiad for students in different fields of study: technical, humanities, natural sciences, pedagogy, agriculture, and medicine.

The video shows Ivan's final presentation.