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Research engineer Shantanu Jain from the Space Weather Laboratory (Skoltech Center for Digital Engineering) gave a presentation at the 45th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR 2024) in Busan, Korea.
Paper topic: 'Estimating the direction of early cme propagation from coronal dimmings using direcd'.
"We have developed a new method called DIRECD (Dimming Inferred Estimation of CME Direction) that allows to track early evolution of CMEs from coronal dimmings before they are observed by coronagraphs by extracting 3D direction of devastating plasma ejections from Sun’s 2D ultraviolet images", said Shantanu.
Launched in 1958, the annual COSPAR scientific assemblies have changed its format to a biennial gathering from 1980 and assemblies held in even-numbered years for the past four decades have been recognized as a renowned academic agora for space research scientists and pertinent partakers.
COSPAR, under the umbrella of International Council for Science, is currently with 13 international scientific unions, 46 national committees as well as over 10,000 associates. Every assemblies attracts around ~3000 from all over the world.