Our students' achievements
Students of the Applied Computational Mechanics Master's program won the MEPhI scientific and research hackathon

April 26, 2024

Students of the Applied Computational Mechanics Master's program, Daria Demeshko and Denis Taurenis, together with the Petroleum Engineering Master's student, Pavel Muravskii, successfully solved the case from Gazprom Neft. They presented the most accurate solution to the problem of developing an algorithm for calculating transport delays in a real-time mode.

The scientific and research hackathon is a team contest aimed at solving real scientific and engineering problems with the time limit of 35 hours.

The results of the Second All-Russian Olympiad in mathematical modeling have been summed up
Tadin Tenzin and his Skoltech journey
I heard about Skoltech while I was at MIPT. I was taken aback when I explored a master’s program at Skoltech, specifically Applied Computational Mechanics (ACM) taught in English. The program provides a complete package encompassing theoretical understanding, software development skills, and numerical expertise from world-renowned scientists, alongside research projects tailored to meet industrial demands. A combination of engineering skills and entrepreneurial practice has wholly captivated my attention, compelling me to apply for the program.

Our program director, Professor Aslan Kasimov, who became my scientific
supervisor, is one of the main reasons I decided to pursue my second master's degree. His impressive profile speaks volumes about his expertise, and spending time with him in both the classroom and office has allowed me to gain invaluable academic knowledge as well as interpersonal skills. Being part of his research group, "Team AK," is an environment where one truly learns and grows.

The Dalai Lama Graduate Scholarship contest
I feel deeply honored and humbled to be among the fortunate recipients of the Dalai Lama Graduate Scholarship (DLGS). I am profoundly grateful to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and the Gaden-Phodrang Foundation for this invaluable opportunity.

“The Dalai Lama Graduate Scholarships are highly competitive supplementary bursary awarded to outstanding Tibetan students pursuing a full-time graduate degree in any reputable University in Europe, the Americas, Australia, and Asia(excluding the Indian subcontinent).

The purpose of the scholarship program is to further the human capital development of Tibetan people by encouraging the pursuit of excellence among Tibetan students in a graduate field of study that has relevance and potential to contribute to the welfare of humanity and the Tibetan people in particular”.

The scholarship application can be submitted online annually, provided that the eligibility criteria are met according to the program’s requirements. The applications are then evaluated by an independent selection committee under the DLGS program. Shortlisted applicants are notified and invited for the final interview round. During my interview, we discussed my personal background, future career aspirations, and other topics. Within a month, the results were announced—and I was thrilled to learn that I had been selected.

Winning The Marie-Curie Scholarship for PhD studies in Europe
When I first began searching for fully funded PhD positions in Aerospace Engineering during my second year at MIPT, I was unaware of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).

After extensive research, I came across a project that caught my attention: TRACES (Training the Next Generation ICE Researchers). TRACES is a European Joint Doctorate network with the primary goal of offering advanced training in the field of in-flight icing. The program aims to cultivate a new generation of highly skilled doctoral researchers across diverse disciplines, equipping them to address the complexities of ice accretion and its mitigation in aircraft and aero engines.

This project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program under the MSCA. As an aero-enthusiast deeply passionate about airplanes and with a research background in aerodynamics, I applied for the doctoral research position. To my excitement, I received my first PhD interview invitation through MSCA. The interview was structured to begin with a presentation of my master’s research work, followed by an extensive series of technical questions posed by professors and an expert from the European aerospace industry.

To my surprise, I did not make it. However, the experience proved invaluable, as it helped me make one of the most significant decisions of my life: to join Skoltech. There, I enrolled in the first batch of the MSc ACM program and continued my journey of experiential learning.

To cut it short, I was later contacted by one of the professors from the TRACES program, inquiring if I was still interested in one of their doctoral positions. I eagerly agreed and was invited for another interview. This time, I approached the opportunity with greater confidence and experience, despite knowing it would still be challenging. The interview followed the same procedure as before, and within a week, I received the thrilling news of my first PhD acceptance. In this project, I will collaborate with Politecnico di Milano (Polimi), my host university in Italy, Technische Universität Braunschweig (TUB), a joint university in Germany, and Eurac Research.

My research field is about in-flight ice accretion, in which I will specifically take part in the following:

• Simulations of the accretion of the mushy layer.
• Simulations of deposition ratio during different phases of the freezing process and
development of predictive models.
• Characterization of the layer growth and properties.
• Cooperation with TUB (large scale experiments in Icing Wind Tunnel [IWT]).

Skoltech highlights of academics, research, and student life
As a Skoltech student, don’t focus solely on your coursework; take the opportunity to learn beyond the curriculum from your professors. I am fortunate to have met several professors with whom I discussed my plans, and their insights, based on their vast experience, have been invaluable. These are perspectives that should not be overlooked.

I know that studying at Skoltech is not a piece of cake. The positive pressure of completing courses, assignments, and exams can be intense. In such situations, it was helpful to engage in sports activities, spend time with friends, and maintain good relationships to enjoy every moment.