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Research Engineer Shantanu Jain gave a presentation on DIRECD (Dimming inferred Estimation of CME Direction) at an international workshop at Mackenzie Presbyterian University in Sao Paulo Brazil.
Shantanu Jain, Research Engineer at the Space Weather Laboratory (Skoltech Center for Digital Engineering)
"This workshop brings young researchers from all over the world in an informal setting to discuss their research and collaborations. The event was held to celebrate 25 years of CRAAM (Centre of Radio Astronomy and Astrophysics Mackenzie) at Mackenzie University in Sao Paulo Brazil".
"I presented a new method, DIRECD (dimming inferred Estimation of CME Direction), which tracks the early evolution of CMEs from coronal dimmings before they are observed by coronagraphs by extracting the 3D direction of destructive plasma emissions from 2D UV images of the Sun".
"During the workshop, I also visited the university observatory and institute of space research in Brazil, which is one of the biggest space research institutes in Latin America".