The first Candidate of Sciences dissertation defense held at Skoltech
On the Day of Russian Science, February 8, the Candidate of Sciences dissertation defense was held at Skoltech for the first time since Skoltech was entitled to autonomously award academic degrees of Candidate and Doctor of Sciences within the state system of scientific attestation.

A Junior Research Scientist Anatolii Morozov from the Energy Center presented his dissertation entitled “Structural and Microstructural Aspects of Cathode Materials With Reversible Anionic Redox Activity for Metal-Ion Batteries”.


The Dissertation Council, chaired by Professor Evgeny Nikolaev, Dr.Sci., Corresponding member of the Russian academy of sciences, unanimously voted to award Anatolii a degree of Candidate of Sciences in Chemistry in scientific specialty 1.4.15. Solid State Chemistry. Professor Nikolaev wished him success in pursuing academic career.


We extend our congratulations to Anatolii Morozov and his scientific supervisor Professor Artem Abakumov.


The first dissertation defense opens the way toward awarding Candidate of Sciences and Doctor of Science academic degrees at Skoltech within the state system of scientific attestation.


For more information please refer to Skoltech website on autonomous degree awards.