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Assistant Professor Kirill Polovnikov from the Neuro Center received a prestigious grant from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation established by the German Federal Government. Kirill won a fellowship in the nomination for experienced researchers. In this competition, the participants should usually be working at least at the level of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Group Leader. Candidates are selected on the basis of their academic reputation and key publications. There are no quotas for individual disciplines or countries.
In addition to the award itself, researchers receive grants for up to three years to conduct long-term research at a university in Germany. Skoltech’s Assistant Professor will go on a series of research trips to the University of Potsdam, the laboratory of Ralf Metzler, a professor of the Chair of Theoretical Physics and one of the most acknowledged scientists in the field of statistical physics and stochastic processes.
“It is always a pleasure to receive international awards, especially in these difficult times. As for scientific cooperation, in the 90s the Humboldt Foundation programs gave a unique chance to researchers from Russia for scientific growth through visits to one of the universities in Germany at the invitation of the German side. About a year ago, Ralf Metzler wrote to me and offered to support my nomination for this award. I am grateful to Ralf, my referrals, as well as to independent experts for such a high assessment,” said Kirill Polovnikov.
In Germany, the foundation’s scholarships are considered one of the most prestigious. The foundation’s alumni community includes more than 26,000 Humboldtians in more than 130 countries, including 50 Nobel laureates. The community aims to promote international academic and cultural exchange.