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The Clarivate analytical agency has published an annual list of the most highly cited scientists in the world. Each participant has authored several articles which rank in the top 1% by citations for their field and publication year in the Web of Science citation database over the past decade. Distinguished Professor Artem R. Oganov, who heads the Materials Design Laboratory at Skoltech, is recognized as one of the five most cited researchers from Russia.
“The relevance of a scientist’s work is determined by their citations. I am glad that my research is so highly appreciated. It is very difficult to get on this list, and it is very prestigious to be on it. That’s a pity that there are only a few people from Russia. I really hope and I am sure that this number will grow,” Artem R. Oganov shared.
Professor Oganov’s research focuses on creating computer-aided design methods for new materials and predicting the crystal structures of substances, especially at extreme pressures and temperatures. Such conditions exist in the bowels of planets, as in the case of an unprecedented water molecule with two “extra” protons stable in the depths of Uranus and Neptune, as well as in technological processes — for example, in turbines of power plants and jet planes.
Artem R. Oganov was included in the list for the second time — before that, the scientist was among the most cited researchers in 2022. In 2024, Clarivate included 6,636 people from 59 countries in the annual ranking of the most cited scientists — about 0.1% of the total number of scientists in the world. Some researchers have been recognized in more than one field.
The number of citations is not the only indicator of selection. The list has been further refined with the help of qualitative analysis and expert assessments from the Institute of Scientific Information in the U.S. Strict selection criteria indicate commitment to the principles of honest scientific work. The evaluation and selection process continues to evolve with filters to address hyper-authorship, excessive self-citation, anomalous citation patterns, and more.