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Sergey Safonov is a R&D professional inspired by data science, modeling, digital innovation and novel technology applications. For more than 23 years he was involved in industrial R&D throughout his multiple research activities in academia and global energy research organizations. He has 15-year experience of leading and managing cross-discipline, multi-national research teams within several technology development organizations of the world’s leading oilfield service company. For 5 years he initiated and led the development of digital product and software solutions based on artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics technologies for Aramco Innovations company, Moscow research center. His multi-topic area of research and development expertise includes technical knowledge and skills on dynamic system modelling, AI and machine learning, data analytics, software solution development and experimental methods for fluid mechanics and thermal physic. He was also able to effectively cross-link multi-purpose research tasks by combining fundamental theory application, digital solution implementation and experimental laboratory measurements.