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Dual beam scanning electron microscope Helios G4 Plasma FIB Uxe
Dual beam scanning electron microscope Helios G4 Plasma FIB Uxe is equipped with two columns: electron column Elstar with high-precision UC+ technology for obtaining high-resolution images and ion column Phoenix for the fastest, easiest and most accurate sample preparation for transmission electron microscopy. Combination of two columns The Helios G4 Plasma FIB Uxe microscope is equipped with various detectors such as ETD, TLD, DBS, EDX, EBSD, STEM 3+ detectors, with the ability to work in BF, DF and HAADF modes, which allows us to study morphology, particles size, coatings, heterostuctures, elemental and phase compositions, crystallographic orientation of grains and etc.
Production year, manufacturer, country of manufacture: 2018, TFS (ThermoFisherScientific), Netherlands
Electron beam resolution (E-beam):
0.6 nm at 30 kV (STEM);
0.6 nm at 15 kV-2 kV;
Ion beam resolution (I-beam):
4.0 nm at 30 kV;
2.5 nm at 30 kV;
Landing voltage range:
E-beam: 20 V – 30 kV;
I-beam: 500 V – 30 kV;
Probe current:
E-beam: >0.8 pА;
I-beam: 0.1 pА – 2.5 μА.