Dr. Anatoly Pushkarev. Halide perovskite microlasers: from synthesis to applications
September 11, 2024 / Wednesday
15:00 16:30

Semiconductor nano- and microlasers is a promising field of research in many scientific groups around the globe. Although there is good progress in epitaxially grown AIIIBV and AIIBVI lasers, cost-efficient counterparts are in demand to supersede the former on the market. For this, a decent option could be non-epitaxial all-inorganic halide perovskite microcrystals demonstrating a low concentration of deep charge carrier trap states along with high enough optical gain and refractive index to enable low-threshold high-Q laser generation in Fabry-Pérot (FP) or whispering gallery mode (WGM) cavities at room temperature. In my talk, I will present various approaches to synthesis of halide perovskite laser microcavities, discuss their optical properties, ways of lasing improvement, complex designs for light manipulation on microscale, and show gas sensing as well as simultaneous electroluminescence and photodetection in single crystals. Furthermore, an applicant’s research and innovation plan for 3 years will be presented.
