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Four Skoltech researchers won Sber Science Awards, which are among the most prestigious academic prizes recognizing contributions to theoretical and applied science. Professor Alexander Kvashnin from the Skoltech Project Center for Energy Transition was recognized for using artificial intelligence, including neural networks and regression models, to predict and study the properties of new functional and structural materials. Watch the recorded awards ceremony (RUS) and a video (RUS) about the winners. Find out even more about the award and its laureates on Kommersant (RUS), Lenta (RUS), NTV (RUS), Moscow 24 (RUS), Russia 24 (RUS), and on the Skoltech website (ENG). Read interview (RUS) with Alexander Kvashnin on TASS. Also, watch a new episode of the “Theory of Everything” media project — a collaboration of Sber, RBC, and Skoltech, where all award winners discussed the components of technological progress and shared what research they currently prioritize. The video is available in Russian on VK, Dzen, and Rutube.