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Dzmitry Tsetserukou received the PhD degree in Information Science and Technology from the University of Tokyo, Professor Susumu Tachi Laboratory, Japan, in 2007. From 2007 to 2009, he was a JSPS Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Tokyo. He worked as Assistant Professor at the Electronics-Inspired Interdisciplinary Research Institute, Toyohashi University of Technology from 2010 to 2014.
Associate Professor Tsetserukou has established Intelligent Space Robotics and VR/AR Laboratory in Skoltech in 2014. He teaches Lectures on “Robotics”, “Control Systems Engineering”, and “VR, AR, and Haptics”. Overall, he taught 23 lecture courses. Under his supervision 7 PhD and 101 M.Sc. students have successfully graduated from the University.
His research interests include autonomous robots, swarm of drones, human-robot interaction, wearable haptic and tactile displays, telexistence, affective haptics, virtual and augmented reality, and artificial intelligence. Dzmitry is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) since 2006 and the author of 149 scientific publications in Scopus, 10 patents, and a book. In 2023 he was awarded by Elsevier (Scopus) the rank of top 2% of the world’s most cited researchers (
Dzmitry received such prestigious Awards as Best Paper Award (Asia Haptics 2022), Finalist of Franklin V. Taylor Memorial Award (IEEE SMC 2021), Best Demonstration Award (ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2019), Best Demonstration Award (Bronze Prize AsiaHaptics 2018), Laval Virtual Awards (ACM SIGGRAPH 2016), and a Best Paper Award (ACM Augmented Human 2010). Team ReSet of Skoltech supervised by Dzmitry became the Champions of Russia in Autonomous Robot competition, Eurobot in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020-2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and vice-champions of the Eurobot World in 2019. He was an organizer of the first Workshop on Affective Haptics at IEEE Haptics Symposium 2012 and served as co-chair of the ACM Augmented Human 2011.