Skoltech-F CubeSat satellite

Engineers from the laboratory are working on creating a new satellite called "Skoltech-F" in the format of a CubeSat. The device is being built based on the second-generation satellite platform SkSP-2, which has significantly different design solutions compared to the SkSP-1 platform, based on which the first satellites of the laboratory - Skoltech B1 / B2 were built. They launched into orbit on August 9, 2022 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The key goal of the launch is to study errors that occur in various types of electronic memory (MRAM, FRAM, SDRAM, etc.) under conditions of outer space. It also planned to evaluate the effectiveness of various error correction algorithms directly on board.

As a side payload, Skoltech-F will carry a digital camera, a high-speed radio channel, a module for radiative cooling, elements of a photonic onboard data transmission bus, and a number of other modules, some of which intended for future scientific missions.

The satellite is still under construction. The estimated completion time is mid-2025.